Saturday, January 30, 2010

Last Week

This past week we did a couple of fun activities. One day we went to the museum. It was really busy. Kate looked so cute in the Mickey costume, I had to take her picture!
After the museum, we stopped at McDonald's to eat and play. Kaitlin was not interested in her chicken nuggets. She decided she only wanted apples dipped in ketchup. Yum! (She didn't even eat the apple--she just sucked the ketchup off)! Silly girl.
Our playgroup went to the fire station this week. Lucas and I were so excited about it! The fire fighters gave us a great tour.
Learning about the many uses of an ax
Holding the fire hose
Taking a break from the fire truck tour to show the fireman his Yoda Lego guy
Checking out the ambulance
This fire fighter put on all of his gear to show the kids what it looks like (so hopefully they won't be afraid if they encounter a fire fighter in a real fire). Kaitlin wasn't a fan of the fire fighters in their normal clothing, so she really wasn't a fan of this guy!
We also watched a video about fire safety, and then the fire fighters gave the kids hats, stickers, and coloring books.It was so funny to watch Lucas. He has no fear and is not shy at all! He made all kinds of comments. Here are a few:
*Fire Fighter: Any questions?
Lucas: I have a question. I go to preschool.
*Fire Fighter: We're going to watch a video about fire safety.
Lucas: I already know about fire safety.
Fire Fighter: Great! What do you know?
Lucas: Stop, Drop, and Roll!
Fire Fighter: That's right. That's what you do if you are on fire. What if your house is on fire?
Lucas: Call 9-9-1-1.
(I knew he had the wrong number memorized...but I didn't really want him to know the right number. He might call it)!
We really enjoyed our tour, and we learned a lot!


The Wynn Family said...

Such a fun play date. I am impressed with Lucas' knowledge of fire safety. Oh and Acadia still does that to this day with ketchup. She eats twice as much ketchup than anything else on her plate. Yum?!?!

Garmire's said...

I totally wished we could've of gone with you guys! Looks like they had fun! I love the mickey mouse costume!

Sean, Jen, Carson and Addie said...

Wow, you have a great play group! I wish we were in something like that!

Anonymous said...

Dang you have great play groups. We are lucky if we get the kids together without fighting. Looks like lots of fun

Tringali Family said...

How fun!