Sunday, September 30, 2012

OC Fair

I wait ALL YEAR long for the fair, so boy was I excited when I heard about the OC Fair!  The location is a lot nicer than the Clark County Fair - it's on a paved lot instead of a dirt field - but I enjoyed the shows more at CC!  Another nice thing about the OC Fair is that it goes for a month and has different things on different days.  Next year I'll have to look at the show schedule to find the good stuff.  We did watch POGOpalooza, but they put the amateurs on first, so we lost interest by the time the pros came out.  They were doing flips on their sticks, which was pretty neat.  The kids enjoyed watching a show with dancers and baton twirlers.

We let the kids go on some rides.  Lucas actually loved the kiddie rollercoaster!  Watching their faces made it worth every penny.  Our favorite part was probably watching the kids go through a glass maze.  They kept running into glass walls.  We laughed pretty hard.  Poor Kaitlin got stuck and started to cry, so Lucas was in a panic trying to get back to her, and he kept running his face into the walls.  Ahhhh, just thinking about it makes me smile!  :-)  Needless to say, they did not want to do it again.
One building had a sand pit, a magic show, and lots of awesome reptiles.  Isn't she adorable!?
Cute Lincoln was happy to be out of the stroller!
 Hanging out with the 4H girls and their guinea pigs.
 Lucas is not very fond of animals, so he hung out with Clint while Kaitlin and I checked out the sheep, goats, and pigs.  She was brave and petted lots of animals.
 We only saw one pig, and Kaitlin said, "Oh.  He's dead."
 More rides with cousins!
 It was a delightful day!  Can't wait for next year!

1 comment:

Nevada Woolfs said...

Kaitlin's comment about the pig is hilarious! And that picture too!